Risk analysis

The most important thing for a trading platform like Mintty is to ensure that the system always operates effectively and without problems, while also taking protection against assaults. As a result, customers' trust in the product is maintained.

Mintty's team understands this and devotes a significant amount of time and effort to developing a secure and reliable system that follows the highest security requirements to protect the safety of users' data and assets.

Mintty builds a system risk management team that is in charge of monitoring, developing, and updating possible risk situations to be ready to respond when the system is attacked or has issues, allowing the system to run smoothly and efficiently.

Mintty will execute periodic PenTests on the system in accordance with the security requirements of major banks to guarantee that it is secure. In addition, Mintty intends to obtain ISO/IEC 27001 certification - an international standard for managing information security that is used by several financial institutions, including Vietcombank and TpBank; as well as major trading platforms like VnDirect and Binance.

Risk warning: Trading NFT digital assets involves numerous risks. This trading method is not suitable for all investors, and it might result in losses greater than the initial investment. You should base your decision on trade conditions, knowledge, and financial capability. Market data, viewpoints, and investment advice are all subject to change at any time. As a result, you should think twice before making a trade decision.

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